Hi everyone and welcome to my blog! Firsrtly I’d like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoy your stay and get some value from my content. I love writing and sharing ideas and thought plus ome great tips and tricks!

I am happily married with three beautiful children, Madison, Tayla and Leo. My husband works as a qualified plumber and also volumteers at the local Fire Department. We love travelling as much as we love to relax around the house and cook together a family on weekends. We are also devout Christians and attend service every weekend.

My hobbies include singing and dancing (only in the shower), home improvement and gardening and taking care of my beautiful kids.

If you would like to request an article or have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Thanks again for visiting and please share my website on social media.

With Love,


Christy Sutherland